The Back to Me Podcast

48. Living A Homeopathic Lifestyle with Dr. Pam Tarlow

Episode Summary

As we continue to celebrate Mental Health Awareness Month, it is important to remember that how we nourish our bodies directly affects how we feel. The key to a healthy, youthful and energetic life includes taking the right supplements to support your meals and your exercise plan. In this episode, Integrative Health Pharmacist and USC lecturer, Dr. Pam Tarlow from the Santa Monica Homeopathic Pharmacy shares the value of collaborating with your physician to integrate natural approaches to medicine in your daily routine. She shares supplemental considerations that you can add to your diet plan to potentially prolong the ‘good healthy years’ of your life! Dr. Tarlow completed her PharmD in Pharmacy at the USC School of Pharmacy in Los Angeles, California. She received her Bachelor of Science in Chemistry at the University of California, Santa Barbara. This patient-oriented pharmacist is an expert in integrative pharmacy working privately with patients, students, healthcare professionals as well as serving as the ‘pharmacist-in-charge’ at Santa Monica Homeopathic Pharmacy for over 20 years. Her practice has evolved to include working closely with providers and patients on the safe, appropriate, and effective use of pharmaceuticals, botanicals, cannabinoids, homeopathics, nutritional agents, therapeutic essential oils, and mindful attention. To learn more about Dr. Tarlow and the various natural products available to you, visit the Santa Monica Homeopathic Pharmacy at

Episode Notes

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